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The below are highlights - please contact me for a full CV


April 2018 - September 2021: PhD in Biology

                                             Institute of Science, Natural Resources and Outdoor Studies, University of Cumbria.

                                             Supervisors: Dr. Davina Hill, Dr. Volker Deecke, Dr. Andrew Weatherall


Sept 2007 - July 2011: Master of Biological Sciences, 1st class (Hons) 

                                             Department of Animal and Plant Science, University of Sheffield.

                                             Masters project supervisor: Dr. Jens Rolff

Grants and awards

University of Cumbria Postgraduate scholarship, April 2018 - Sept 2021

£57,981 - including stipend, fees and £500 annual research budget.


People's Trust for Endangered Species Mammal Research Grant

£24,306 - an initial £4398 to conduct field trials, leading to being awarded

                         £19,908 for the full grant.


Association for the Study of Animal Behaviour Conference Attendance Grant

£390 - attendance at the ASAB Easter meeting 2020 (cancelled).


Association for the Study of Animal Behaviour Conference Attendance Grant

£307 - attendance at the ASAB Easter meeting 2019.


University of Cumbria Bright Future's Fund

£100 - attendance at symposium "Linking behaviour to populations and

               communities: how can behavioural ecology inform conservation?"


Peer-reviewed publications

Findlay-Robinson, R., Deecke, V.B., Weatherall, A. & Hill, D.L.  "A review of the effects of climate on life-history traits in hibernating mammals". Mammal Review, 53;4, 516-528.


Lane, J.E., Czenze, Z.J., Findlay-Robinson, R. & Bayne, E. (2019). "Phenotypic plasticity and local adaptation in a wild hibernator evaluated through reciprocal translocation"The American Naturalist149:4, 516-528.


Popular media

Findlay-Robinson, R. (2021). "If you go down to the woods today..." Dormouse Tales, PTES lockdown newsletter. Short article about doing fieldwork for a general audience.


Findlay-Robinson, R. (2019) "Dormice: Waking up to Global Warming". Woodwise magazine, Woodland Trust. Article about my PhD project for a general audience.


Findlay-Robinson, R. (2019). "Climate change impacts on hazel dormice in the UK". A short summary of how the Nature's Calendar phenology dataset is being used in my PhD research.




Presentations and posters

Findlay-Robinson, R., Deecke, V., Weatherall, A. & Hill, D.H. (2020). "The times they are a-changin': Advancement of autumnal fruiting in hazel dormouse food plants". Poster and lightning talk, British Ecological Society Festival of Ecology.


Findlay-Robinson, R., Deecke, V., Weatherall, A. & Hill, D.L. (2020). "Does weather influence the timing of reproduction in the hazel dormouse?". Talk at the Association for the Study of Animal Behaviour Winter meeting.


Findlay-Robinson, R. Deecke, V., Weatherall, A. & Hill, D.L. (2019).  "Climatic effects on life-history in hazel dormice". Invited speaker at the National Dormouse Conference, Reading.


Findlay-Robinson, R. Deecke, V., Weatherall, A. & Hill, D.L. (2019). "Climatic effects on hibernation in the hazel dormouse". Poster presentation at the University of Cumbria Postgraduate Research Conference. Awarded 1st prize in poster competition.


Findlay-Robinson, R. Deecke, V., Weatherall, A. & Hill, D.L. (2019). "Climatic effects on hibernation in the hazel dormouse". Poster and flash talk at the Association for the Study of Animal Behaviour Easter Meeting, University of York.


Findlay-Robinson, R. Deecke, V., Weatherall, A. & Hill, D.L. (2018). "Climatic effects on hibernation in the hazel dormouse Muscardinus avellanarius". Poster at the Zoological Society of London symposium 'Linking behaviour to populations and communities: how can behavioural ecology inform conservation?".






Rachel Findlay-Robinson

Behavioural ecology | Life-histories | Global change | Conservation

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